Professionally speaking, I'm currently a Post-doctoral Fellow in Informatics and Biocomputing at the Ontario Institute of Cancer Research, where I'm working on developing new genomics based approaches to detect cancers. The OICR is a great place to work as it blends the curiosity of academic research with the real-world checks and balances that a focus on technology development brings.
I enjoy writing about how biotech is being used to solve pressing problems in the world. I'm also interested in how academic research can turn into real world, commercialized technology, and how governments can or cannot shape the direction science takes.
The Checkmate Scientist is where I enjoy sharing opinions and pointing like minded people to interesting things on the web. I've also been a contributor to the award-winning Signals Blog since 2010, and wouldn't mind writing for many other audiences. So if you're interested in having me as a guest blogger please send me a note.
Prior to joining the OICR, I worked at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute and earned a Ph.D. from the University of Ottawa, specializing in computational biology. Even before that, I earned an H.B.Sc. from the University of Toronto, St. Michael's College.
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- @pmkrzyzanowski: My personal account.
- @CheckmateSci: A feed of this site's posts.